
I have written the blog to provide important information. I was the crime victim. Nevertheless, I was arrested on a false report and the belief I am mentally disordered. I am not. However, all the protection of law and the laws of due process were violated.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

PTSD Exposed

The subject of PTSD needs more exposure. The exposure I present however may be a surprise.

There is a lot of money right now available for mental disorders, and in particular PTSD.

The good news is, if you have PTSD there is help. The bad news is, if you have good mental health and you are only seeking counseling for trauma, unless it is for rape or domestic problems, you can just about forget it.

There is a lot of dishonesty about this.

First of all, I need to say there is a great deal of fraud in the diagnosis of PTSD. There must be, because Dr. Robert Baize, PhD who "wrote the book" has problems of ethics in practical matters, like getting VA benefits for veterans.

He read the portion of his report that is true. He said the other stuff he quickly used cut-and-paste in his laptop was "only a formality". It was a complete fabrication. I do not have any of those symptoms, or complaints.

The VA has ruled, only now, I do not have PTSD. Is that going to be the official record, or not? I have had a false criminal background check I didn't know about for 32-years. Now, I have a false criminal record because the San Francisco court criminal division willfully made a false "official record" of plea.

There have been other consequences: my college registrar refused to allow me to graduate. I have no college degree. I participated in the graduation ceremony. I had two full 5-year Bachelor of Science degree programs listed on the program. I had also completed all the requirements for the Master's degree.

I was refused employment, rentals and purchase of real estate because of the false information on the criminal background check. The jobs I had,were cancelled.

The Director of the Veteran's Administration had funded and sent Dr. Baize out with a special team to "qualify" veterans for benefits, I witness was fraud.

I am convinced every benefit paid with a Dr. Robert Baize report ought to have a mandatory review ordered, and examination by someone qualified and no bias.

I actually have neurological impairments, including dysphasia. I don't read or write without a screenreader computer. I don't carry a computer around. I have had it read to me, since then.

I was examined by reputable forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Korpi, because I was jailed the judge tried to have me committed permanently as a mentally disordered offender.

The VA Regional Representative to the San Francisco VA Downtown Center said, "I'll get the Morning Report." for the dates I was supposed to have been in a closed psychiatric facility in the United States Army, has since resigned in frustration but not before she had managed to get the official medical record.

I was never in a closed psychiatric facility in the United States Army diagnosed a dangerous paranoid schizophrenic. In accordance with law: "The DOJ is required to verify name, fingerprints, date of admission, date of discharge and county of residence". It never happened.

I was jailed from March 2005 to December 2006 believed to be mentally disordered and a criminal, in spite of the ruling by Judge Julian Sapirstein, "You cannot hold her" and the accusations were made by three street-level drug-addicts and drug-addicts have been known to tell lies.

When Dr. Korpi reported I am not mentally disordered, the next Judge let me out on my 'own recognizance' and when I returned to court the remaining charges were "dismissed in the interests of justice". This is what should have happened had I been jailed at all. I never should have been jailed.

Here is what happened: I was traveling to the Sacramento gun show. I'd had a courtesy inspection of my vehicle by the San Francisco Police Department gun range rangemaster. I had an attempted carjacking, but I was jailed. My 'criminal background check' report did it. I'd never even had a traffic ticket. No one would listen to me about their gun, nor check them for drugs.

I know I did everything the right way. My dad was a highly honored police officer: he had told me what to do. Nevertheless, because mental disorder was on their computer, I had absolutely no protection of law or due process. The guns were taken on illegal search and seizure, transparent from the officer's report and testimony at the beginning of the Preliminary Hearing.

The "official record" of plea is a false record.

Judge Breall was not assigned the case. However, the judge was determined to have me committed to the state mental hospital the record shows, if anyone would get it for a writ. The docket sheet would show a committment hearing was scheduled for that day, not a Preliminary Hearing and not a plea.

I did not agree to plea. Instead of putting on the defense portion of Preliminary Hearing, Mr. Harrison, the county-paid attorney, started without me, by making admissions of guilt. I tried to stop the plea. I was ignored.

Mr. Harrison did not go over all charges with me, the consquences of plea, or my rights, behind the courtroom that morning. For one thing there wasn't time. In fact, State of California case law does not accept a private attorney-client interview behind a courtroom. I absolutely did not know all the charges, some charges were only numbers no one had explained.

The "official record" only shows we arrived at court to plea. It shows 16-months "state time" and 4-years "parole" after the fact. The plea transcript ought to show my attempts to stop the plea process and it was all about 16-months "county time" and 4-years "probation". I obviously had not been told. The probation officer Deputy Carleton Jones was assigned to write a probation report to the court. Much later he saw the order for "state time" and "parole" and he was off the case. The "official record" interestingly does show the agreement is for "the exact sentence".

In spite of the appellate review panel attorney quick brief, I was never in state prison. I was not diagnosed a schizophrenic. Dr. Jeff Gould, brought in by the public defender after expiry of time for speedy trial and I made an effective complaint to a private sector attorney I had not waived speedy trial deliberately had me committed "incompetent to stand trial" - as a mentally disordered person by altering his report, by making up quotes of three of my four brothers. This uses a little known aspect of law for "diagnosis". He had no facts, only the "statements" of family or of persons of long acquaintance. But all of my family is well-educated: they don't use ignorant speech or remarks.

Because of prejudice of stereotypes, the appellate review panel attorney assigned did not bother to speak to me, or contact me, until the appellate review was judged. There was a Wende Motion, he represented to the court of appeal he was still representing me. By sending me the file and notice, I telephoned him. Nevertheless, he did not obtain the relevant record. The judgement has I put in no issues.

I was jailed. I had no "charge sheet" for the charges against me and I was put in a state mental hospital prison innocent of any crime whatsoever, jailed 21-months overall. I did not receive my less one-third for jail time, or less my "good" time served credits.

It was wrongful arrest, according to SFPD trainer Officer Dunn. I was illegally jailed, according to Facility Commander Chief Deputy Arata. I had every abuse. I was assaulted repeatedly, at the urging of deputies. I got three Category C AIDS-related diseases, one a permanent STD from "Marla" a dying AIDS patient put in the cell with me and ridiculed by deputies and a trustee until she assaulted me. I was moved by the senior deputy to a different cell for this.

I did not give permission to search my vehicle. I never volunteered, "There are three rifles". That officer, the partner of the liar in court, must have seen three rifle cases leaning against a lampost, set there by the actual officer inside the vehicle (not his partner stated he was first inside the vehicle and transparently lied repeating he saw the gun right-there-on-the-console at the Preliminary Hearing. note: there is no console on that model. Then, he said repeating right-there-on-the-floor. The handicapped van has a special pedestal-mounted driver's seat, having arm-rests. There is no way to see the floor. The same day, March 1, 2006 I told the attorney I would appeal, the vehicle was sold. The postmaster put it in writing there were no notices of auction. My handicapped van had been held as evidence, not allowed to use it for bail). The police inventory record shows there are two rifles.

The case is really about City and County of San Francisco liability, all of it SF DOJ abuse.

I was tested by VA psychologist Dr. Rothlind, who found no mental disorder. He did find neurological impairments. The Department of Corrections psychologist, Dr. Roy Johnson also found no mental disorder.

In the past, Dr. Wolfgang Lederer, MD psychiatrist (Who's Who in American Physicians) found no mental disorder, adding "her residual neurological impairments ought to be believed".

The United States Army official report found no "disease, disorder or trait or trace" of mental disorder.

How did the false record get there? I believe the rumor this is routinely done to military personnel and to politicians.

My mother said to her school friend, "You have changed. You voted for things you never would vote for. What happened"? Senator Frances Haddon Morgan, of the State of Washington told my mother, "When you get to Washington, D.C. you have things made up about you I can't even tell my best friend". It is 'child molester' or 'dangerous paranoid schizophrenic' or you name it.

My dad said the best way to defeat blackmail is to tell all, and I agree. I recommend telling all. I am telling all.

I had the highest security clearance. I did the enlisted requisition and later the officer's requisition for 19 western states including Alaska and Hawaii. I also did Department of the Army controlled assignments. I also did enlisted compassionate reassignments back into continental united states. I had the only "Priority" electronic message out of The Presidio of San Francisco. I was the microphone girl for General Officer conference: I was in the room the entire conference.

It was either the high security clearance - the army rumor - or it was the fact I was injured by Duty Section Commander, CPT Traub, at a stupid office picnic.

LTC Richard D. Broskey, having no credentials, deliberately made a false record. LTC Broskey who was not a "doctor" signed lab slips Dr. Broskey. On the lab slips, he had put "return to ward 12A". I had never been to ward 12A. He also had given me a direct order to answer every question on the MMPI with an angry answer. I complained to my NCOIC, referred to the CSM Ewalt of Letterman I was referred to Commander, COL Livingstone. LTC Broskey had been a failed chiropractor, having no credentials because no credentials for chiropractors are required in California. The Commander, COL Bruce L. Livingstone removed the false record, he said, and LTC Broskey. I see, however, later LTC Broskey made COL Richard D. Broskey.

In the background, unknown to me, my 'criminal background check' got a much worse record.

My college registrar refused to graduate me, although I was in the June graduation ceremeony as an August graduate in two full 5-year Bachelor of Science dregree programs and I had completed the requirements for the Master's degree. I had great jobs suddenly turn me down. I had nice apartment complex realtors refuse to rent. I had realtors refuse to sell.

All this, in spite of the fact according to H&I law Code "The DOJ is required to verify name, fingerprints, date of admission, date of discharge and county of residence." in the records of hospitals and institutions that didn't happen. Unknown to me, my 'criminal background check' lifelong stated: in a closed psychiatric facility in the inited states army diagnosed a dangerous paranoid schizophrenic.

Is it necessary to state: if hired, I didn't last past the background check.

I didn't receive the benefits of my achievement of education or employment. I couldn't even rent nice places. I couldn't buy property from a realtor.

The VA Regional Representative got my "official united states army medical record" that showed I was never in a closed psychiatric facility in the united stated army. I was never diagnosed a dangerous paranoid schizophrenic. It never happened.

I receive S.S.D.I. (Social Security Disability Insurance, not the S.S.I. "gratuity" program) for neurological impairments, incomplete spinal cord injury and hemipariesis from a car wreck in 1975. I involuntarily paid, by law, for these Social Security disability benefits.

Nevertheless, jailed I had my check stopped. I could not pay bail. I could not hire an attorney. I cannot pay for the file to attract and secure a pro bono attorney for a writ. There was no prior notification of this change of "social security law". I don't have a gratuity of S.S.I. This is my S.S.D.I. disability insurance I paid for.

Is the reader seeing a pattern here?

The undesireable persons of our own government have made our government a "confidence racket". Who are they? Look at their voting record. Look at the "new laws".

It turns out I paid for disability benefits for military service as well, right off the top, while serving in the United States Army. Not Jane Doe or John Doe, the Secretary of Labor schedule showed more income than reported on the printout every month I received. The Social Security benefits did show on the printout. The military medical and dental benefits I paid for did not show on the printout.

This means, I have military disability benefits I paid for, right off the top and as far as I am concerned the VA should not have the contract for administration of those benefits, or for medical care either.

As for medical care at the VA, if an officer in the news gets the 'standard of care' he gets his right nut cut off - can I expect better?

I haven't got medical care at the VA. It has been 32-years no medical care, but I signed up again. I needed costly MRI's. The private sector consulting orthopedic surgeon said, "These are the worst pictures I have ever seen".

According to the VA, I had nothing wrong with me, because the VA is in the business of not paying benefits. I wasted months at the VA I could have received medical care.

I received no medical care in jail. I need medical care for the injuries I got in jail and from neglect of medical care in jail.

In the time I was not receiving medical care from the VA, I was was treated at three private sector hospitals and by four private sector MD's having no Part B on my Medicare card put in by the Social Security representative after jail during the months I received no care and no care indicated by VA medical practioners. St. Luke's Hospital had me sign a charity form. It took a prominent surgeon for no pay to get me in the California Pacific Medical Center - Surgery Center. Marin General Hospital - Greenbrae saved my life on heart failure. A private sector physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist referred me to a private sector internist who is associated with the Sutter Group hospitals, after he wrote me up for the OTR and an electric wheelchair, not a "TV special mobility aid" Part B will pay for on my complaint and has since been put back on "general enrollment" and again removed from "general enrollment" so no one will be paid. I have physicaltherapy started. I had just had surgery at that Surgery Center of California Pacific Medical Center, the surgeon voluntarily took on with no expectation of pay. He said the infection was horrible, the most horrible he had ever seen, the jail and the VA said was no problem.

The only competant medical care I have ever received has been in the private sector.

I am convinced government sponsored medical care is mostly fraud.

There is no way my rifle is an assault weapon. For one thing, an assault weapon is for military use for laying down a field of fire. The 'Model 21 Ultralight' rifle has a multipatented integral action: it cannot be modified to California Penal Code section 12275.5(a) "high rate of fire and capacity" defining an assault weapon, nor is it "minor differences" of Section 12276(f). In manufacture several years, the California State Attorney General has not listed the 'Model 21 Ultralight'. The "characteristics" of an assault weapon do not make assault weapon fact.

I would not have had the 'Model 21 Ultralight' rifle in California, except that SFPD Dickerson Lane Petaluma-Tomales Road special weapons gun range SFPD rangemaster expert Lieutenant convinved me the 'Model 21' is legal in California, bring it in from Arizona, don't worry about travelling in and thru San Francisco and don't worry about the "look-a-like law". I specifically asked if there were new law or any local ordinances. He had the California State Attorney General Guide to Identification of Assault Weapons available only to law enforcement. The California State Attorney General's list of assault weapons was available only to licensed FFL gun dealerships. I certainly made every effort to be compliant with law, if mistake of fact.

Because the guns were illegally taken, there was no case against me. The assailant 'victims' had not come forward, had provided false addresses and one had prior AKA's. The sister wasn't there for the first two stages of the assault. No one got the names of the two instigating the carjacking, the driver had the gun in his hand. He pulled the trigger. His gun didn't fire. He had failed to chamber the first round.

The "dented" cartridge purportedly was in the wrong caliber handgun. In fact, the "dented" cartridge is the only cartridge to have a SFPD police officer's fingerprint on it. Perhaps it is the fingerprint of the white SFPD officer first inside the vehicle. According to my affidavit I wrote in 2005 before I knew any of the charges, a white SFPD officer was first inside the vehicle and he remained over the position of the S&W stainless steel "Centennial" appearing to be using tools forcefully. He left my vehicle only one time, running to a police car to get something and returning to continue. I had written I thought he was destroying the gun.

There is also a police photo of what appears to be a "drug-kit" on the driver's seat of my vehicle. I had allowed every drug test requested, so I heard no more about it.

The heroes of the San Francisco Police Department listed my GMC Safari LX passenger (window) van as a "camper". I was hit rear and front while parked to look at my road atlas, pinned in, initiating the carjacking. The vehicle held as "evidence" had been sold without auction or notice of auction verified by the postmaster in the tiny town I have my vehicle registration and on the very same day I told the attorney I would appeal. He asked, "On what basis"? I said, "Ineffective counsel".

I was depicted as homeless, indigent and mentally disordered in possession of guns not licensed and registered to me, one a scoped .22 rifle (a "Chipmunk" model rifle) and one an assault weapon.

I am a home owner. I owned my own business. The guns are licensed and registered to me.

The rifle was not sold "Not for sale in California".

I was accused by three of San Francisco's finest: street level drug-addicts.

I put it in writing to the county-paid attorney, if Motion to Dismiss failed, I wanted a jury trial. I was not convicted. There was no Motion to Dismiss and no trial whatsoever.

I never would have had that rifle in California, if I had not been convinced by the San Francisco Police expert. No one would contact him. No one got the ID on the two instigating the carjacking. One police officer said, "Police do this". "Have your attorney, when you have one, contact us. Our names are on the contact sheet". No one would.

Because of so much abuse I have experienced, I am convinced the "new laws" and the "new politics" have been playing on prejudice of stereotypes only, regardless of the facts.

Now, that I have seen HR 2640 - the pending bill in Senate Committee - I believe the basis of that pending bill is a fraud. That bill, now before Senate Judiciary Committee is to disarm veterans with a diagnosis of PTSD. Sounds good?

No, it's not. Not when the Director of the Veteran's Administration funded and sent out a "special team" with Dr. Robert Baize.

The veterans are the best "Homeland Security".

The Senate Judiciary Committee committee members could stand to hear about this, that is: Patrick J.Leahy (D-VT), Arlen Specter (R-PA), Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), Charles E.Grassley (R-IA), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Lindsey Graham(R-SC), John Cornyn (R-TX), Sam Brownback (R-KS) and Tom Coburn(R-OK).

We cannot rely on the army or the national guard to protect so vast a nation as the united states. In Europe, you have to get out your passport several times and not drive as far as getting out of California, for example. The United States is really a lot of real estate!

The lesson of history of the "Battle of Britain", for example, is everyone did their part. Their veterans were handy.

Our representatives need to hear there are politicians and political interests that want the government to take over the internet to quash the greatest instrument of freedom of speech and freedom of information, and, there are politicians and political interests that want to quash the second ammendment force of law for having "arms".

I know that is a 'hot button' issue.

Most of the noise is fraud, just as well.

More about that later.


Rog said...

This is terrible, although I do not understand a lot of what you are writing about. I will tell you my organization is fighting 2640 and oppose any gun control. Also, I was a "whistle blower" that was employed by USDA and got canned before I did much "damage" and lost my appeal!! I was to appear on "FrontLine" and now they don't even return my calls or e-mails and it was they that contacted me first!! And the subject and update on MEAT INSPECTION and tissue sampling and BSE testing never aired for the remake!?? GOVERNMENT squashed it..and me!

Connie Dodson said...

The Not-So-Elite:
Roger, you certainly know what it's like to have your life thrown away by the "not-so-elite".
In my blog, you see an "elite" Dr. Richard D. Broskey, LTC USA, all for a $15 business license with no chiropractor's credential required. He was a commissioned officer "elite".
There are other "elite". That would be attorneys, of course. No? Okay, attorney jokes aside.
Well then, Judges. They are "elite". Right? Oh, beyond question.
I saw a huge ad for a society event and the District Attorney is a listed "sponsor" of that society event. That would rank as "social elite" in San Francisco. Kamela Harris was the girlfriend of Willie Brown. There you are: "social elite".
Politicians are definitively "elite". Right.
No one would dispute society has it's "elite".
Why should "a societial elite" have the last word?
What happened to rewarding skill and enterprise?